Special Notes:
-Maintank -must- have Shield Wall ready
- Greater Nature Protection potion
- Stop all DPS when the boss has 35 % health
Maexxna Encounter, 3rd (and final) boss in Spider Wing
Targets: Maexxna, Maexxna Spiderling, Cocoon
Fight Duration: 3-4 minutes.
Strategy: Tank pulls the boss to the left side of the room. No DPS during the first 10 seconds. The Raid will periodically destroy Cocoons, kill Spiders or prepare for the 10 second stun, in between damaging the boss.
The Raid must stop all damage on the Boss at 35 % health to make sure that the AoE damage on the spiders don't accidently bring Maexxna into her Enrage. At 35 % health, wait for the next Web Spray and Nuke the boss once that stun wears off. Continue killing Cocoons during the Enrage. The Maintank must use Shield Wall for the final Web Spray stun in order to survive 10 seconds without direct heals.
- Greater Nature Protection potion
- Stop all DPS when the boss has 35 % health
Maexxna Encounter, 3rd (and final) boss in Spider Wing
Targets: Maexxna, Maexxna Spiderling, Cocoon
Strategy: Tank pulls the boss to the left side of the room. No DPS during the first 10 seconds. The Raid will periodically destroy Cocoons, kill Spiders or prepare for the 10 second stun, in between damaging the boss.
The Raid must stop all damage on the Boss at 35 % health to make sure that the AoE damage on the spiders don't accidently bring Maexxna into her Enrage. At 35 % health, wait for the next Web Spray and Nuke the boss once that stun wears off. Continue killing Cocoons during the Enrage. The Maintank must use Shield Wall for the final Web Spray stun in order to survive 10 seconds without direct heals.
- Stats
- Level: 63
- Health: 1.553.000
- Armor: 4691
- Standard Attacks
- Poison Shock
- Cooldown: *needs testing*
- Type: Frontal Cone Spell (Nature)
- Effect 1: Deals 1750-2250 nature damage.
- Turn the boss around and stack the raid up behind her. Only the Maintank should get hit by this ability.
- Necrotic Poison
- Cooldown: *needs testing*
- Type: Debuff (Poison) on random players. Can be removed.
- Effect 1: Reduces Healing received by 90 %
- Notes: Druids must put up Abolish Poison on the maintank before the Web Spray hits.
- Enrage
- Trigger: At 30 % Health.
- Greatly increases Maexxna's attack speed and damage.
Tranq'able : No
- Stats
- Level: 60
- Health: 6.200
- Armor: 569
- No attacks but deals about 750dmg/sec to the player inside.
- Stats
- Level: 60
- Health: 3.815
- Armor: 3.791
- Standard Attacks
40-seconds Cycle of abilities
"Web Spray Stun" ends at 10 seconds
"Cocoons" at 20 seconds
"Spiders" spawn at 30 seconds
"HoTs on the Maintank" at 36 seconds (remember Abolish Poison!)
"Web Spray Stun" is cast at 40 seconds, and the cycle repeats
Stop DPS at 35 %
"Web Spray Stun" ends at 10 seconds
"Cocoons" at 20 seconds
"Spiders" spawn at 30 seconds
"HoTs on the Maintank" at 36 seconds (remember Abolish Poison!)
"Web Spray Stun" is cast at 40 seconds, and the cycle repeats
Stop DPS at 35 %
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