Friday, April 26, 2019

Hunters' General Guide

-BiS pre raid gear
-Naxx/Mc/Bwl Attunements
-At least 150 NR gear (unbuffed)
-Hit Gear
-Addons Installed
-Required MM spec
As a hunter, your first priority is to get hit capped. As stated here:
the hit cap should be 9%, unless you're a troll hunter(bow), dwarves(gun) then it comes down to 6 necessary hit from items.
Also, as pets, I recommend either wolves with furious howl rank 4, or raptors. While wolves have lower dps, their ability increses the damage of the next attack of everybody in the party by ~50, once every 10 seconds. Raptors on the other hand have an instant ablility called claw which damages for ~100, and their autoattack dps is ~25 higher than that of the wolf.

Hunters Guide .

<<1>> Required BiS pre-raid Gear

Head - Backwood Helm (quest in DM west)
Neck - Pendant of Celerity (Lord in UBRS)
Shoulder - Bloodsoul Shoulders (Craftable by LW)
Back - Cape of the Black Baron (Baron strat)
Chest - Savage Gladiator Chain (BRD)
Wrist - Bracers of the Eclipse (Prince in DM West)
Gloves -Black Grasp of the Destroyer (Crafted by BS easy mats)
Waist - Warpwood Binding (Tendris Warpwood in DM west)
Legs - Leggings of the Plague Hunter (Argent Down rep quest)
Boots - Windreaver Greaves (Kirtonos the Herald in Scholo summonable boss by finishing a quest)
1.Ring - Don Julio's Band (Exalted to AV)
2.Ring - Painweaver Band (General Drakkisath in UBRS)
1.Trinket- Blackhand's Breadth (Chain quest starting in LBRS and finishing in UBRS)
2.Trinket - Royal Seal of Eldre'thalas (DM hunter book 20g on AH)
3.Trinket - Earthstrike (Hard to farm but BiS untill naxx)
Weapon - Barbarous Blade (King Gardok in DM North)
Ranged Weapon - Bloodseeker (AV quest pretty simple to complete)
Quiver - Harpy Hide Quiver 15% (AV reverded)
Ammo - Thorium Headed Arrow (Crafted)
Bow - Stoneshatter DM east or
Carapace Spine Crossbow Nerub'enkan in Stratholme

<<2>> Required Hit Gear

Now for the Hit gear for BWL:

Neck - Pendant of Celerity [1%] (Lord in UBRS)
Shoulder - Truestrike Shoulders [2%] (Pyro in UBRS)
Ring - Blackstone Ring [1%] (princess in mara can be solo done by rogues/hunters btw)
Weapon - Warmonger [3%] (can be found on AH for 20g or less)
Trinket - Rune of the Guard Captian [1%] (a very well know quest in The Hinterlands) rune of the guard captain is from a horde only quest
Boots - Windreaver Greaves [1%] (Kirtonos the Herald in scholo summonable boss)
Blackcrow dropped by Shadow Hunter Vosh'gajin in LBRS blackcrow is considered best prebis ranged wep cuz of the attack speed or
Bow - your xbow with the [3%] Biznicks 247x128 Accurascope or Satyr's Bow [1%] (DM east by Satyr's Bow) 7 dmg scope is cheap or
The Perfect Poison - bow
Waist - Marksman's Girdle [1%] (Urok Doomhowl Lbrs)
Gloves -Voone's Vice Grips [2%] (Warlords command quest Lbrs) horde only
Legs - Blademaster Leggings [1%] (The Beast UBRS)
Wrist - Blackmist Armguards [1%] (The Beast UBRS)
Ring - Tarnished Elven Ring Gordok Tribute its not unique so use 2
Ring - Blackstone Ring [1%] (princess in mara can be solo done by rogues/hunters)
Try to get 2 of those ring if it's hard to get Tarnished Elven Ring then you can get Blackstone Ring

A total of [15%] your set and done for tranqs!

For a Tranq Shot you need at least 9% hit(you can get 6% from gear + 3% from talents surefooted ability)

9% is cap - standard MM/surv build specs into surefooted which gives 3% hit so you need 6% from gear

once you get into like aq40/naxx gear you start getting more hit and can drop points in surefooted. bis is just 9% on gear and 0 points in surefooted but cant do that efficiently for awhile

recommendation: get warmonger, truestrike, and 2 hit rings

<<3>> Required Nature Resistans Gear

Hunters need a minimum of 175 nature resist from gear alone to meet the member requirements. This much is needed due to the fact that in AQ40 fights hunters, amongst other classes, need to be sponges and absorb a good deal of nature damage for the raid. So here it is:

Head = Bramblewood Helm (Leatherworking) (30)
Back = Gaea's Embrace (Tailoring) (20)
Chest = Sandstalker Breasplate (Leatherworking) (25)
Trinket 1 = Heart of Noxxion (Maraudon, Noxxion) (10)
Trinket 2 = ^^ ^^
Ring 1 = Multicolored band of Nature resistance (AH) (10)
Ring 2 = Malfurion's Signet Ring (Walking Legends quest) (20)
Ring 3 = Band of Cenarius (A Humble Offering quest) (19)
Boots = Bramblewood Boots (Leatherworking) (25)
Belt - Bramblewood Belt (Leatherworking) (15)

The Bramblewood set is the leather set. In AQ armor is irrelevant and the leather set gives 17 more stamina and 10 more nature resist then the mail set. We are looking to max out survivability because some DPS is better than no DPS. So the leather set is the way to go. You shouldn't be pulling aggro and if you do, Feign death.

Once you have got this gear, the next step is enchanting your gear. Here they are:

Head = ZG enchant +10 NR (Libram and reagents to be turned in to the troll inside ZG at Zanza's Rise (the same place you get the other enchants.)
Shoulders = Argent Dawn Rep +5 NR (need to be revered)
Back = Enchanter honored with Cenarion Circle +15 NR (UD)

<<4>> Required Consumables for every raid

3x(stacks) Elixir of the Moongose
2x(stacks) Mageblood Potion
1x(stacks) Limited invunerability potion
3x(stacks) Major mana Potions
2x(stacks) Greater Nature Protection Potions
1x(stack) Greater Fire Protection Potion
*1x (stack)Elixir of Brute Force:

Food Buffs

*10x Rumsey Rum Black Label
*20x Dirge's Kickin' Chimaerok Chops


2x Flask of Distilled Wisdom (You should always carry 2)
*+ 1x Flask of the Titans (for special fights [c'thun AQ40]
[ Anub'rekhan Naxx Spider Wing] [Thaddius Naxx Abomination Wing] )


Ground Scorpok Assay can carry only one,very good boost for bosses like patch)

15x Demonic Runes (drop from demons in Azshara)
or 15x Dark Runes (Drop in Scholomance)

(*) Consumables required for fights where you need 5k+ HP.(If you dont have 5k+HP you get removed from the raid : / )
remove brute force because it doesn't stack with fortitude. You can also add the 30 strength juju and 40 ap one, juju flurry to buff your pet.
(the ap juju is melee only. "to buff your pet" cuz it doesnt do anything for the hunter)
brilliant mana oil on weps for the mp5 if you are dual wielding can put them on both weps for double
the mp5

Don't use
elemental sharpening stone does not work for ranged

<<5>> Requiered Attunements:

MC: Attunement to the Core -
BWL: Blackhand's Command -
Naxx: The Dread Citadel - Rep: Argent Dawn (honored)

Feeding the Pet 2x with Roasted Quail although already shown as Happy (Charinfo DPS):
Broken Tooth 132,7 DPS
Bloodseeker Bat 129,0 DPS (Can only learn Bite, no Claw as the cats can)
King Bangalash 141,9 DPS (Too fast Attackspeed after you tamed him at the moment)
Lupos 96,8 DPS (Deals, AS SUPPOSED, melee damage in 1.12)
Sin'Dall 113,6 DPS
Tethis 118,9 DPS
Bhag'thera 105,2 DPS
Echeyakee 94,8 DPS
Mazzranache 83,1 DPS
Zulian Tiger 91,4 DPS
Zulian Panther 91,4 DPS
Razzashi Venombrood 71,1 DPS
Razzashi Raptor 118,9 DPS
Araga 109,1 DPS
Rekk'tilac 88,9 DPS
Barnabus 92,5 DPS
Clack the Reaver 101,2 DPS
Darkmist Widow 88,9 DPS
Death Howl 83,1 DPS
Giggler 100,5 DPS
Gretheer 88,9 DPS
Greater Firebird 104,8 DPS
Hayoc 88,9 DPS
Ironback 96,56 DPS (It's a Turtle!)
Krellack 78,1 DPS
Kurmokk 104,2 DPS
then you can learn pets this ability:

Screech                                  (rank 4)
20 Energy                             Melee Range
Blasts a single enemy for 26 to 47 damage and
lowers the melee attack power of all enemies in
melee range by 100. Effect lasts 4 sec.

We're having a hard time keeping the tanks alive on patchwerk, even with a ton of healers.

Bosses have about 300 attack power, so 100 isn't nothing. Combined with Demoralizing shout this reduces their AP to 0.
25% of the damage of a monster comes from its attack power, so 100 AP reduction is roughly 8.3% reduction. On a boss like patchwerk that means about 700 less base damage. There is no cooldown on the ability, and the pet regenerate enough energy to use this ability everytime it wears off. So 1 hunter is able to keep this debuff up non-stop.

Screech can also be taught to Bats and Carrion Birds if you prefer those, but you need to have tamed a Winterspring Screecher first, cause that's the only way you can add the final rank of the ability to your spellbook to teach the other pets later.

you'd need 5/5 improved demo shout (reduces ap by 196).
everyone who has Piercing Howl should have imp demoshout

Paladin spec


Priest buffs and brute force


Here are a single target fort and group fort macro that respect brute force. NOTE: you need to put these macros in your normal "regular" macro tab, but supermacro addon active is required.

The following macro will not single buff the target if brute force is active:

/run if not buffed("Elixir of brute force", 'target') then CastSpellByName("Power Word: Fortitude") end

Here is the group version of this:

/run b=0;w={}; _,_,su,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_=GetRaidRosterInfo(1); q=1+((su-1)*5); for i=q,(q+4) do t="raid"..i; if buffed("Elixir of Brute Force",t) then b=1; end end
/run if b==0 then CastSpellByName("Prayer of Fortitude") end

Get a list of who has brute force active:

/run w={} for i=1,GetNumRaidMembers()do t="raid"..i if buffed("Elixir of Brute Force",t) then w[UnitName(t)]=1 end end
/run for n in pairs(w) do DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(n) end


Use this buff check for fortitude while respecting brute:

!{buff: fortitude, Elixir of Brute Force} 

Monday, April 22, 2019

Mage Manual


There are 3 talent-builds we use in raids. Fire Combustion is the top single-target DPS spec, but lacks the crowd control and survivability of the Frost AoE build.

Fire Combustion talents: Link
Arcane / Frost talents: Link
Frost AoE talents: Link
Gluth Kiting Spec: Link

In general, Member-ranked players are free to choose which of those two Frost specs they want to use in raids, and can change when they want the variety. Only the Core-ranked players are free to choose the Fire spec aswell. Because of the risk of overaggro with Ignite and the effective DPS loss with to many Firemages, we want to have max 3-4 Firemages in Raid. That being said, the Class Leader may ask you to bring a specific spec for a raid if he thinks the raid badly needs one or the other spec represented. You are expected to re-spec when specifically asked.
For Molten Core and 20-man Raids you can join with any personal spec you want, so if you were specced for PvP for example, you don't have to respec.

Aspirants in the guild will use Frost AoE spec in every raid until the classleader instructs them to spec differently. The reason for this is that the frost build will help you survive longer, and give you more time to learn how the fights work. It is understood by your classleader that the AoE build will put out less damage than the Fire and Arcane / Frost spec, and your dps is not compared to other mages of another spec so don't worry about that. As an aspirant, our main focus is to see if you can follow instructions and perform basic things like kiting multiple mobs with a slow, silence the mobs when you have to, etc. There are things you must do to prepare for the more complicated bossfights: Read the Raiding-section of the forum, especially the Naxxramas bosses and C'thun.

You will remain as an Aspirant until you meet the member-requirements found here
Take a look around in the Rules and Procedures-section where all the Guild Rules are found, there you can also learn how to request help from the guildbank.

Make sure you are always in the mage channel.
Type: /join udmages

Once you have joined the channel, click the chat-options and find the channel, it is possible to change the coloring of the channel to make it stick out to your eye. That way you don't miss important messages that gets typed during combat for example. You can also create a new chat-box for dpmages only, so that you can easily scroll up if you think you might have missed something.
If you get an assignment then make sure you make a plus (+) in the channel. You shouldn't go afk in the raids obviously, but sometimes it will happen of course for whatever reason. Therefore, by responding with a (+) that will let your classleader know that you received the instruction.

Required Consumables
Consumables increase our performance, and it is required that any mage (also aspirants) bring a set of consumables to our hard raids (aq40 and naxxramas only - consumables are optional in other raids). Below is the list of the consumables you need to bring to each AQ40 and Naxx raid.

Required Consumables:
Flask of Supreme Power, Demonic Rune or Dark Rune
Greater Arcane Elixir, Major Mana Potion
Mageblood Potion, Limited Invulnerability Potion, Nightfin Soup, Runn Tum Tuber Surprise
Elixir of Greater Firepower (for Fire spec) or Elixir of Frost Power (for Frost spec)
Rumsey Rum Black Label, Elixir of Fortitude, Dirge's Kickin' Chimaerok Chops
Brilliant Wizard Oil, Powerful Anti-Venom, Jungle Remedy, Heavy Runecloth Bandages
Flask of the Titans (if you can't get 5000 health otherwise)
Greater Nature Protection Potions (used in both AQ40 and Naxxramas, bring 2 stacks)
Greater Fire Protection Potion (used in spider wing only, bring 1 stack)
Greater Shadow Protection Potion (used in plague wing, bring 3 stacks)

Before each Raid
First thing is to farm your consumables in advance. Having consumables ready is your own responsobility and you will run the risk of being replaced if you don't have them. Again, the consumables-list above is only required for Ahn'Qiraj Temple and Naxxramas.

Before you head to Blackwing Lair:
1) Bring your Onyxia Scale Cloak if you have one.

Before you head to Ahn'Qiraj Temple:
1) Bring the "required consumables"
2) Bring your AQ40 Mount if you got one
3) Bring your Nature Resistance Gear
4) Bring your Stamina gear for C'thun (read the 5000 hitpoints section)

Before you head to Naxxramas:
1) Bring the "required consumables"
2) Bring 20 light feathers for Anub'Rekhan.
3) Bring your Stamina gear for Anub'Rekhan (spiderwing) + Thaddius (abomination wing)
4) If you are revered with Zandalar Tribe (Zul'Gurub) you can turn in a Zandalar Honor Token and get a "Spirit of Zanza" (potion) that gves 50 stamina and 50 spirit. The stamina part is great for Anub'rekhan and Thaddius to get 5000 health - but it only lasts for 1 attempt so in case we wipe then you can't just rely on this extra stamina. However the spirit is great for Patchwerk that is a long fight and the extra regeneration makes a difference there.

5000 Hitpoints
Dying is never good, but dying can be particularly problemating on some fights.
Anub'rekhanin Spider Wing,
Thaddiusin Abomination Wing, and
C'thunin Ahn'Qiraj Temple are the 3 bosses where everyone need to have at least 5000 hitpoints.
If you're wearing the bloodvine set, that has very little stamina. - you might need to bring extra consumables to reach the required 5000. Here's how you do it:

Those 3 buffs gives a total of 520.
If that still ain't enough to get you to 5000 health, then you need to bring a Flask of the Titans which gives 1200 hp. If you need this flask, then make sure that you don't use Flask of Supreme Power when we're asked to flask up in AQ40 - use the flask you know you're going to need for C'thun.
Players without 5000 HP will risk being replaced in the raid. And that sucks to happen right after you used all your consumables (and supreme power flask) - but then lacking the stamina.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

16 debuff limit

Top priorities:

1) Sunder Armor
2) Faerie Fire
3) Curse of Recklessness
4) Curse of the Elements
5) Curse of Shadow
6) Demoralizing Shout
7) Thunderfury debuff (attack speed reduction)
8] Fire Vulnerability / Winter's Chill
9) Shadow Vulnerability (shadowpriest)

Some situational ones that are not needed for all bosses, but are crucial on some:

- Detect Magic
- Screech
- Mind-numbing Poison

Typical filler-debuffs that will pop up:

- Thunderfury (nr resistance reduction)
- Shadow Vulnerability (warlock crits)
- Ignite
- Fireball dots
- Taunts
- Stuns/cc


- Hunder's Mark (arguably not worth it if theres few hunters, but worth it if we have a handful)
- Mind Flay (shadow vulnerability can be sustained by just mind blasts that does not spend debuff slot)

Blackwing Lair Attunement

Step 1: Kill Scarshield Quartermaster in Blackrock Mountain
Step 2: Loot his document "Blackhand's Command"
Step 3: Click it and accept the quest
Step 4: Go into UBRS and reach the final boss.
Step 5: Touch the Orb behind the boss. A quest-box opens and you complete it. (if the ubrs group is so bad that you can't actually kill the final boss, then you can turn in the quest at the orb while in combat, also works)
Step 6: You're done.

Once you complete this attunement, you will be able to enter Blackwing Lair by using the Orb.

Onyxia Attunement

  • Go to Kargath in Badlands in Eastern Kingdom and speak to Warlord Goretooth in the tower. Keep asking him questions until you get an item. Right click the item to start the quest "Warlord’s Command".
  • Go to LBRS and kill Overlord Wyrmthalak, Highlord Omokk, and War Master Voone. Also retrieve the "Important Blackrock Documents" that randomly spawn on the ground beside either Wyrmthalak, Omokk or Voone. If you don’t know how to find these bosses, get a party that knows. You can also use the addon "Atlas" to get maps of all instances.
  • Return to Warlord Goretooth in Kargath to complete the quest.
  • Get the next quest from Warlord Goretooth called "Eitrigg’s Wisdom". You are to find Eitrigg in Orgrimmar. The coords are 34;39. If you don’t have an addon for coords, go to Grommash Hold, the big building in The Valley of Wisdom, and find Eitrigg inside. He will not be marked on the mini map, so just look around at the NPCs. Speak to him and he will send you to Thrall, who is just a few yards away in the same building.
  • Get the next quest from Thrall called "For The Horde!". Go to UBRS and kill Warchief Rend Blackhand. You will need a raid of 10 for this. Get his head and return it to Thrall for a nice trinket.
  • Get the quest "What The Wind Carries" from Thrall. All you have to do is ask him some questions. Complete the quest.
  • Get the next quest called "The Champion Of The Horde" from Thrall. You have to speak to Rexxar who wanders around the Desolace map (on the roads) and down into Feralas abit too. It may take a lot of running around before you find him - but he is there!
  • He gives you the next part called "The Testament of Rexxar". Go to Sorrow Hill in Western Plaguelands and find Myranda The Hag. If you got coords, she’s at about 50;77.
  • She gives you the quest "Occulus Illusions". Go to UBRS and kill dragons and collect their eyes. Find a raid and you’ll collect them quickly. Return to Myranda the Hag when you have 20 eyes.
  • The next part called "Emberstrife" is easily soloable even though it’s an elite quest. Just go to Dustwallow Marsh and find the southernmost cave located at 54;84. Wear (and use) the amulet Myranda gave to you to turn into a dragonling and be able to talk to Emberstrife. He will give you three quests, so it’s a good idea to have enough free slots in your quest log. You have to kill three dragons and you can do them in any order.
  • "The Test of Skulls, Scryer" Scryer is in a cave in Winterspring. Coords for the entry are: 57;49. A party of 3-5 will easily take him down. Be sure to loot his skull.
  • "The Test of Skulls, Somnus". Somnus is in Swamp of Sorrows. He is on patrol, so he moves around (note: on this private server he likely doesn't... we found him in the south-eastern part of the zone - Nomagio). 3-5 level 60s will take him down quite easily.
  • "The Test of Skulls, Chronalis". Find the dragon near 64;50 in Tanaris, at the Caverns of Time.
  • Return the quests to Emberstrife and get the next quest in the chain: "The Test of Skulls, Axtroz".
  • Travel to Wetlands and find and kill Axtroz near 81;47. He is slightly harder than the others, but 4-5 people can kill him without breaking a sweat. Return to Emberstrife with Axtroz’s skull.
  • In the next part, called "Ascension…", you seek the advice of Rexxar again. So go back to Desolace and travel the road between Stonetalon and Feralas to find him. He will send you on a quest called "Blood of The Black Dragon Champion".
  • Go back to UBRS and kill Drakkisath. Be sure to loot his blood off of his corpse. Then return to Rexxar and turn in the blood. He will give you the Drakefire Amulet that you need to get into Onyxia’s Lair. Congratulations, you’re done!

As for Onyxia’s Lair, it’s located in Dustwallow Marsh at 53.77. You need to wear the Drakefire Amulet or have it in your backpack, be in a raid and be at least level 50 to enter.


Special Notes:
- Read detailed Tactics by Bai Below this Post!
- Mighty Rage Potions (Tanks)
- Greater Frost Protection Potions (everyone prior to pull, during fight only dps)
- All available Consumables and Worldbuffs

Kel'Thuzad Encounter, 2nd and last boss in Frostwyrm Lair
Targets: Kel'Thusad, Soul Weaver (Ghosts), Unstoppable Abomination (Golems), Soldier of the Frozen Wastes (Skeletts), Guardian of Icecrown (Crypt Lords)
Fight Duration: 15 minutes.


  • Stats
    • Level: 63
    • Health: 3,198,000
    • Standard Attacks ~ 3,000 hits on Tanks

Read this:
Bai's detailed Kel'Thuzad explination BELOW

For this Encounter we Require 6 Addons to make it easier
Everyone needs to have the - UPDATED - Versions of those Addons!

KTMod - a Kel'Thuzad Boss mod | Direct Download Link | Addon Thread
RAT - Raid Ability Tracker | Direct Download Link | Addon Thread
KASA - Kourtney's Awesome AddOn | Direct Download Link | Addon Thread
CTW - C'Thun Warner | Direct Download Link
BigWigs VG - Bossmod | Direct download Link | Addon Thread
KTM VG - Threatmeter | Direct Download Link | Addon Thread

Assignments and Macros (They will vary depending on Setup! Be prepared though!)
Idealy we want to have 6 Tanks, 6 Meele DPS, 14 Healers (8 Priests, 2-4 Shamans, 2-4 Druids), 14 Ranged DPS

Tank and Meele DPS Positioning:
Position A (North): Kayser, Urfriendwar | Abraxa, Fofokister
Position B (East): Almisael, Jokamok | Hottoh, Miagi
Position C (West): Morrie, Crymeariver | Hornagaur, Roguemaster

Meele Interrupt Groups:
Position A: Abraxa -> Fofokister | Kayser is Backup
Position B: Hottoh -> Miagi -> | Almisael is Backup
Position C: Hornagaur -> Roguemaster | Morrie is Backup

Interrupt Macro:
use the Macro: /s [YOURNAME] Interrupted - [NEXT NAME] Next!
use 2nd Line: /w [NEXT NAME] [YOUR NAME] Interrupted - You are next!

Mage Sheep Assignments for MC:
Kelseran - 4 (Triangle) | Turtle
Alionex - 5 (Moon) | Turtle
Xlimidrizer - 6 (Square) | Pig
Stygga - 7 (Cross) | Pig or Sheep
Paqman - 8 (Skull) | Pig or Sheep
Do NOT break any Sheeps!

Sheep Macro:
/cast Polymorph | /cast Polymorph: Turtle | /cast Polymorph: Pig
/run SetRaidTarget("target", [YOUR NUMBER])

Phase 3 Guardian of Icecrown Shackle Assignments:
Ryl - 4 (Triangle)
Bai - 5 (Moon)
Healdealz - 6 (Square)
Do NOT Break any Shackels! - Only the Assigned Priests may Shackle, more then 3 Shackles will break ALL!

Phase 1.
The first phase starts as soon as we enter the circle in the room and will continue for 5 min 20 sec.
During this phase, we will all stand in the middle of the room while fighting 3 different mobs type of mobs spawning from the alcoves.

Soul Weavers (banshees)
Inflicts a nasty shadow damage and does a knock back if they come in melee range.
70,000 HP
Unstoppable Abomination (patchwerk JR)
Doing around 1,2k melee hits on the tanks but applies a mortal wound every 10 sec that reduces healing taken by 10%.
97,000 HP
Soldier of the Frozen Wastes (skeletons)
Suicide bombers that explodes as soon as they reach the raid. Doing a nasty shadow damage to everyone.
2,500 HP

Assignments P1
Prio 1. Keep the raid alive
Prio 2. Kill the skeletons. If you don’t kill the skeletons before they reach the raid the you'll fail prio 1. The skeletons are not immune to shackle, priest if you see skeletons getting too close to the raid use a shackle spam till they are dead.

Prio 1. Nuke the Soul Weavers
Prio 2. If all Soul weavers are dead help the healers with the skeleton, but keep an eye on your mana pool.

Melee dps:
Prio 1. Kill the abomination
Prio 2. Help the healers by stunning the abomination while you kill them.

Prio 1. Help where it’s needed. You see skeletons getting close, kill them. You see the Soul Weavers getting close, kill them. You see more than 2 abomination alive, kill them.

Prio 1. Tank the abomination. Remember they add a mortal wound on you so don’t go herro mode and try to tank them all. Let another tank take the next one while you wait for the debuff to drop.
Prio 2. Kill the abomination you aren’t tanking.

Things that can go wrong in P1:
- A banshee or a skeleton reaches the raid and wipes us.
- Melees attacking the abomination before a tank got aggro and dies.
- Someone pulls the idle mobs inside the coves (hunters read no multishot unless the mob is close, TF players don’t fight outside the inner circle because TF jumps can pull, warlocks no tab-dot action here please)
- Our dps is too low and we get overrun.

Transition from P1 -> P2
After 5 min and 20 sec of making slay in the middle of the room KT comes alive and phase 2 starts.
Might sound simple but it's not. We will have to kill all the residual mobs from P1 while handling KT and spreading out. And as I mentioned above, skeletons explode and banshees do a nasty shadow damage and a knockback when they reach their target.
Judging from our current raid dps we will probably have 1.5 abominations, 1 banshee and several skeletons alive when P2 begins. This means that its time for our dps to use their first 5 min CD and their second 3 min CD here. We need to burst down the last mobs as fast as we can while spreading out in the room (melees must also be able to kick KT's frost bolt, but more about that below). Druids and warlocks should start to apply FF/recklessness on the abominations when there is 30 sec left till P2 starts.

Do not dps the Boss until After the first MC!

Things that can go wrong during the transition:
- we don't have enough dps to burst down the last mobs.
- people die from the skeletons/banshees while we spread out
- Melees doesn't kick KT's frost bolt (read P2 below)

Phase 2
Kel'Thuzad, this is the guy that will give us loot.
He will be tanked in the middle while all casters/healers spread out like we do on C'thun.

KT's spells
A single target frost bolt that deals around 7-8k dmg. Always cast on the MT, not resistible but you can interrupt it with kick/pummel/shield bash.

Frostbolt volley
A frostbolt volley dealing around 2,500 damage to everyone in the raid.
Cast every 15 sec.

Frost Blast
A frost spell that will hit 1 target and link to everyone within 10 yards. This spell can chain link, just like C'thuns eye beam.
Once hit by the frost blast you will loose 26% of you HP every 1 sec, ticking for 4 seconds. This means that if you don't receive a heal within 4 seconds after a frost blast you are 104% dead😇.
Cast every 30 sec

Chains of Kel'Thuzad
A mind control that will hit 5 players in the raid, one of them is always the MT.
While being MCd you will do 300% increased damage and 600% increased healing.
First MC cast after 30 sec, after that cast every 60 sec.

Mana Detonation
This spell will be cast on a random mana user. Once hit you will explode after 5 sec, burning 50% of your mana and dealing damage equal to the amount of mana burnt to all players within 10 yards.
Cast every 20 sec.

Shadow Fissure
Summons a very noticeable (spell detail set to max please) red fissure around the targeted player which does 62500-137500 shadow damage after 3 seconds
Cast every ?? sec.

How to KT
KT will be tanked in the middle of the room while all the casters spread out like we do on Cthun.
The raid damage will be huge which means that it is important that we spread out grp wise (Prayer of healing will be huge in this fight)

The melees will be divided into 2 groups, one standing SW of KT and one standing SE of KT while the tank obviously stands N of KT (forming a triangle around the boss).
Every X second KT will try to cast his single target Frost bolt. If this isn't interrupted by one of the rogues/furys the tank will take a 8k hit to his face. It is therefore very important that melees make a kick rotation, just like healers do on Loatheb but instead of having 1 player doing the heal we assign 2 melees to kick each time, one from the SW grp and one from the SE grp.
The reason we separate the melees into 2 grps and put 2 players to kick at each frost bolt cast is related to KT's spell "frost blast". This spell will stun the player and everyone within 10 yards range for 4 sec while it removes 104% of your hp. If we have 2 kickers staying in the same grp they both will get hit by the frost blast and stunned at the same time, but by having one in each group you will always have 1 melee able to kick when its his turn to do so.

Every 60 seconds (first one cast at 30sec according to GGCs KT video) KT will do a Mind control, this will be cast on the player having KTs aggro and 4 random selected players. While you are MCd you will do 300% dmg and heal KT for 600% of you normal healing. You will also use spells, such as CDs, stuns, buffs and many other spells. It is very important that mages CCs the MCd target asap and keeps a detect magic up on the boss in case one of the MCd players buffs him. MCd players will also do decurse/dispels on KT which means that we should always keep an eye on the debuffs (specially the locks with CoE/S/R)
Since KT always MCs the player having aggro each MC also includes a tank swap. This means no one should every be above the third highest tank on the KTM and tanks should always fight for threat. The combination of 5 MCd players running around doing CCs/dmg to the raid while a tank swap occurs can sometimes feel a bit chaotic, but if we all stay focused and mages CCs (locks can also fear) the MCd players asap we should manage.

Assignments P2

Prio 1. Stay alive, don't link other players, don't stand in the shadow fissures and don't go close to others when you have the detonate mana.
Prio 2. Sheep mind controlled players
Prio 3. Don't go above the third tank in threat
Prio 4. Keep detect magic up on the boss
Prio 5. Do damage

Prio 1. Stay alive, don't link other players, don't stand in the shadow fissures and don't go close to others when you have the detonate mana.
Prio 2. Don't go above the third tank in threat
Prio 3. Keep your Death coil on CD
Prio 4. Keep an eye on the curses, MCd players can dispel them from KT
Prio 5. Do damage

Prio 1. Stay alive, don't link other players, don't stand in the shadow fissures and don't go close to others when you have the detonate mana.
Prio 2. Do damage (lol)

Prio 1. Stay alive, don't link other players, don't stand in the shadow fissures and don't go close to others when you have the detonate mana.
Prio 2. Keep your fear on CD
Prio 3. Don't go oom from flash heal spam.
Prio 4. Keep the raid alive

Prio 1. Stay alive, don't link other players, don't stand in the shadow fissures and don't go close to others when you have the detonate mana.
Prio 2. Keep the raid alive

Prio 1. Stay alive, don't link other players, don't stand in the shadow fissures and don't go close to others when you have the detonate mana.
Prio 2. Keep the raid alive/stay alive so the casters can get your crit.

Prio 1. Stay alive, don't stand in the shadow fissures.
Prio 2. Fight for threat

Prio 1. Stay alive, don't stand in the shadow fissures, stack tight with your grp, don't link anyone outside your grp..
Prio 2. Kick/pummel the single target frost bolts
Prio 3. Keep your fear on CD
Prio 3. Don't go above the third tank in threat
Prio 4. Do damage

Things that can go wrong in P2:
- People link the Frost blast.
- Melees don't kick
- People are too high on the KTM - gets aggro - tanks/melees starts to chase the boss while a frost blast is cast - everyone gets linked.
- More than 2 tanks gets MCd (I posted "dont go above the third tank in KTM", but shit can happen and we can end up with both top tanks getting MCd)
- Shadow fissure is cast on one of the melee grps - they spread and a frostblast links everyone around KT. (melee grps should always run away from the boss if they there is a fissure cast on the grp)
- Priests doesn't keep aoe fear on CD

Phase 3

Some thoughts/questions:
We should make sure people use their Cds at the end of P1 to burst down the last P1 adds.
When you get MCd u will always try to use a CD at the start. Better use them at P1 have them on CD for P2 and be able to use them in P3 again.
How will grounding totem work for spells like Frost blast ?
How many melees do we need?
Should tanks stack on each other or should they split into the melee grps.
According to video Frost blast and MC are both running a multiple of the frost volley's CD. This means that we will always have a frost blast followed by a volley atm. And at some point a MC on top of that. (think there will be 1,5 sec duration in between each).
If a frost blast is cast on one of the melee grps followed by a volley they will most likely die within 2-3 sec if we don't assign healers to precast heavy chain heals/prayer of healing etc.
Guess the fight is "learn by doing" but we should at least be prepared for some situations that might happen. 

UD WoW Vanilla Guide

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