Here are a single target fort and group fort macro that respect brute force. NOTE: you need to put these macros in your normal "regular" macro tab, but supermacroaddon active is required.
The following macro will not single buff the target if brute force is active:
Here is the group version of this:
Get a list of who has brute force active:
Use this buff check for fortitude while respecting brute:
Here are a single target fort and group fort macro that respect brute force. NOTE: you need to put these macros in your normal "regular" macro tab, but supermacro
The following macro will not single buff the target if brute force is active:
/run if not buffed( "Elixir of brute force", 'target') then CastSpellByName( "Power Word: Fortitude") end
Here is the group version of this:
/run b=0;w={ }; _, _, su , _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _=GetRaidRosterInfo( 1); q=1+( (su -1) *5); for i =q, (q+4) do t ="raid".. i ; if buffed( "Elixir of Brute Force", t) then b =1; end end
/run if b==0 then CastSpellByName( "Prayer of Fortitude") end
Get a list of who has brute force active:
/run w={} for i=1,GetNumRaidMembers()do t="raid"..i if buffed("Elixir of Brute Force",t) then w[UnitName(t)]=1 end end
/run for n in pairs(w) do DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(n) end
Use this buff check for fortitude while respecting brute:
!{buff: fortitude, Elixir of Brute Force}
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