Thursday, April 11, 2019

The Four Horsemen

Special Notes:
3x Greater Shadow Protection Potion
1x Greater Shadow Fire Potion
5000 Health is advised.

Four Horsemen, 3rd and final boss in Deathknight Wing
Targets: Highlord Mograine, Thane Korth'azz, Lady Blaumeux, Sir Zeliek
Raid Composition Notes: Needs atleast 6 Tanks, 8 prefered
Fight Duration: 20 minutes

Four Horsemen

  • Stats
    • Level: 63
    • Health: ~500.000 (each) | 2.000.000 (all four combined)
    • Armor: 4,691
    • Standard Attacks (hits tanks for around 2,000 | can be disarmed)
  • Horsemen Mark
    • Cooldown: 20 seconds till first Mark, 12 seconds for each Mark afterwards
    • Effect: Unique to each boss and acts just like Firemaw debuff, can not be LOSed, only Outranged 70 yards. | 1. Mark: 0 dmg | 2. Mark: 250 dmg | 3. Mark: 1,000 dmg | 4. Mark: 3,000 dmg | 5. Mark: 5,000 dmg | 6th Mark: 6,000 (leathal) | each addional Mark +1000 dmg. | Lasts for 75 seconds | Healers and DPS should take max 3-4 Marks, tanks can take up to 5-8 | after 100 Marks (20 minutes) the boss Enrages
  • Shield Wall
    • at 50% and 20% they use Shield Wall reducing damage taken by 75% for 20 seconds.

Highlord Mograine

  • Righteous Fire
    • 2160-2640 frontload damage + 4800 DoT in 8 secs. Identical to Ragnaros' Elemental Fire, mitigated by fire resistance. Applied as a 25% chance on melee hit to proc

Thane Korth'azz

  • Meteor
    • 14250-15750 fire damage, share between all people within 8 yards from the center the meteor drops (just like the Anubisath in AQ40). Cooldown is 12 secs. Random target in ~ 20 yards. Players will have to stack up when fighting Thane Korth'azz to avoid having the full damage piled upon one person. Every Player needs to Stack up on the Tank, including all Healers and Ranged DPS. At any given time we need atleast 5 Players Stackt, else the Meteor oneshots people. Don't move even if you have 3 Marks if the followup group has not arrived yet!

Lady Blaumeux

  • Void Zone
    • Summon a Void Zone that deals shadow damage to enemies that stand within it (approx 3500-4500 damage per tick). Small radius, approximatley 5 yards. Persists for 90 seconds when dropped. Range: 45 yards. Cooldown is 11.5 seconds. Persist after she is killed. The Voidzones are invisible about 40% of the time, every Meele has to be Stackt on the Tank and the Ranged DPS / Healers Max Range to the Right. Everyone Must move as soon as a Voidzone spawned no matter if you can see it or not (Watch BigWigs timer!)

Sir Zeliek

  • Holy Wrath
    • Holy damage 495-605, hits aggro target and continues to chain (just like C'Thun Beam) until no one is within the 5 yards distance of the last target (no loop). Every chaining will double the damage. Cooldown is 12 secs. Up to 3 players can stack up to dps / heal the Boss more efficiantly (max 12 Ranged), max 2 Meele dps at a time.


The Tanks pick up the Horsemen and position them in the 4 corners of the room.

The remaining Tanks wait in the Save Spot until the Tanks on the Horses have 3-5 Marks and then move in to Taunt it off so that the previous tank can reset their stacks. The Tank which is now free moves to the oposite side of the room and does the same. If you moved to early you can just wait at the Save Spot to let the Curse run out before you move to the next Horse. Reposition Blaumaux after Each Voidzone like its shown in Subsmash picture below. You Must move On-Time else you will certainly die within 2-3 sec. If the new tank comes to pick it up be Aware of were the privious Voidzones were placed - Don't Run into them!
- Keep Demoshout, Thunderclap and Disarm up
- Don't hesitate to use your cooldowns!

We have atleast 2 Healers assigned to each Horse meaning we have 4 initial Groups of Healers. The Healers move always Counter Clockwise around the Room (like a Square, always to the Left) and take max 3-4 Marks. To ensure that we always have atleast 1 Healer on each Horse at any given time the Healers in each Group move independently, the First Healer moves after the FIRST Mark, the 2nd after the THIRD Mark. Afterwards you keep the rotation and move after the 3rd Mark. Excample:
Korth'azz: Sorkas (1), Fårtvänty (2) | Sorkas would move to the next position after the FIRST Mark and Fårtvänty after the THIRD, afterwards always after 3rd
Blaumeux: Ryl (1), Bai (2) | Ryl would move to the next position after the FIRST Mark and Bai after the THIRD, afterwards always after 3rd
Mograine: Kugal (1), Kajulinka (2) | Kugal would move to the next position after the FIRST Mark and Kajulinka after the THIRD, afterwards always after 3rd
Zeliek: Pocketheal(1), Shapeless (2) | Pocketheal would move to the next position after the FIRST Mark and Shapeless after the THIRD, afterwards always after 3rd

IMPORTANT: Never leave a Horse / Tank Allone! If Healers died and you have to wait a little longer for the next healer then Stay in, heal yourself and use a Shadow Protection Potion if needed! You can survive up to 7 Marks if you Time your CDs and Potions properly!

The DPSers are split into 3 Groups to ensure that we have at any given time Atleast 5 people at Korth'azz to split the damage of the Meteor. You have to move always Counter Clockwise around the Room (like a Triangle, always to the left - Never to Zeliek though until atleast 2 Horses are dead!).
-Korth'azz and Blaumaux have first kill Priority, if those 2 Bosses are dead the fight is basicly won
-Save up your Mana / Rage / Combopoints during Shieldwall and Nuke after it runs out
-Everyone STACK up on Korth'azz
-Meeles Tank on the Tank at Blaumaux and Ranged Max range starting from the right
-Keep Yourself alive with Bandages and Shadow Protection Potions, the healers will ONLY heal the tanks!

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